Somewhere deep inside, everyone knows that life in essence is much more glorious than it appears to be. When you flow with life gracefully, it is not just about moving from one mundane activity to other. Instead, you feel alive; everything becomes new, fresh and flawless. You happen to experience, knowingly or unknowingly, the glimpses of the source of life, where life overflows with love, joy, peace, creativity and abundance.

However, this beautiful state seems to disappear any moment without any prior notice. Old conditioning takes over and the experience of flow is lost. This conditioning arises from accumulated emotions and beliefs that are based on past experiences. This past programming steals the present moment and disconnects you from the source of life—your true essence. At that moment, when old conditioning is taking over – is there something we can do to shift back to our true essence? If it is a thought that pulls you back from this state of being, then can another thought act as a gateway to enter this magnificent state back?

The magical book ‘365 Spiritual Affirmations’ published by Tejgyan foundation would do this for you. It contains many such spiritual thoughts that will take you back to the Source. These are not auto-suggestions for self-development, but spiritual affirmations to establish you in the state of flow. Use the power of repetition for harnessing the power of these spiritual affirmations. Choose a sentence from this book and gently and slowly repeat it in your mind till you become one with the words. It is recommended to repeat minimum one affirmation a day for at least twenty times and maximum as many times as possible.

There are a few ways you may go about using the book. The first option is to read it from start to finish and mark the affirmations that call out to you the most. The second is that you may choose an affirmation from the sections in this book – Physical Vitality (health), Mental Wellbeing (mind), Social Harmony (relationships), Financial Prosperity (money) and Spiritual Fulfillment (self-realization) depending on the situation you are facing. You could also just open a random page in the book and surrender to whatever existence is offering at that moment.

This book holds the potential to reprogram your mind to become one with life. Following are few affirmations from various sections in this book:

Spiritual Fulfillment:

  • I am not the body that I see.
    I am not the thought that I think.
    I am not the feeling that I feel.
    I am not the breath that I breathe.
    Then who am I?
    I am the one who remains—in words which cannot be named.
  • Pure presence of my true essence
    brings love, joy, and peace to this planet and to existence.

Mental Wellbeing:

  • Whatever we focus on manifests in our lives.
    Therefore, every moment,
    I choose to focus on happiness and nature’s wonders.
  • I love myself.
    I keep myself happy, especially during hard times.
    I know that doing so is the key to turning things around.
    I dare to be happy in every situation,
    in whatever clime, all the time.

Financial Prosperity:

  • The financial aspect of my life
    is being excellently taken care of by the universe.
    I don’t have to worry about it
    and hence on my spiritual growth I am free to focus.
  • I am tuned to prosperity consciousness.
    I have the right understanding about money.
    I respect money. I treasure good feelings for money.
    And so, money comes to me as smooth as honey.

Physical Vitality:

  • My body is a temple.
    Every day, I pray for a pure body,
    pure mind, and pure presence.
  • I am centered. I am healthy.
    Health is my nature… I am health.

Social Harmony:

  • I rejoice in the truth
    that people who are present in my life
    are not here to love me…
    they are here to remind me that
    I am the Source of Love!
    I honor their presence in my life.
  • Relations are wonderful arrangements
    that awaken the source of love and faith within.
    I fill my world of relationships
    with the fragrance of faith
    and the potion of love in all their sweetness.
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Picture of Sirshree

Tejguru Sirshree's Path to Truth


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