MaNaN Ashram

“The purpose of the MNN Ashram is not about creating an external ashram made of brick and mortar. Rather, the focus is on awakening the living spark of divinity and establishing the ashram in its subtler sense within each human being.”

MaNaN represents the Hindi syllables M-N-N, expanded as MahaNirvaanNirmaan.

MaNaN represents the Hindi syllables M-N-N, expanded as MahaNirvaanNirmaan. This denotes the whole and sole purpose of life on Earth–the mission of raising collective consciousness– paving the way for the highest creation, incomprehensible to the human intellect.

Towards a Highly Evolved Society

Peace is our natural state, effortlessly attainable. With veils of ignorance lifted, we discover that we are at peace at our core. Words like ‘God’, ‘Self’, ‘Lord’, ‘Allah’, ‘Tao’ embody this truth.The more we operate from this natural state, our sensitivity and understanding keep rising. At the mesmerizing ‘Peace Hall’ in Manan Ashram, Sirshree imparts this timeless wisdom, embracing all ages in a universal experience of tranquility.

Centre of Humanity

To awaken everybody to the understanding that – “The world is one family”, TGF has established a Center of Humanity, which will elevate global awareness and consciousness, fostering unity and igniting a collective journey towards inner awakening and profound wisdom. The Centre of Humanity is an initiative to uphold and facilitate the return to the core living principle of religion into our true nature.

The Path to Self-stabilization

At the Ashram, transformative retreats are offered in a serene and well-equipped facility, making the journey easier for every seeker. Participants experience a unique wisdom system that guides them from self-help to profound self-realization. The supportive environment and excellent amenities provide a nurturing space for personal growth and inner exploration, enhancing the transformative experience for all participants.

MaNaN Ashram represents the Hindi syllables MNN Ashram, expanded as MahaNirvaanNirmaan.

MaNaN represents the Hindi syllables M-N-N, expanded as MahaNirvaanNirmaan. This denotes the whole and sole purpose of life on Earth–the mission of raising collective consciousness– paving the way for the highest creation, incomprehensible to the human intellect with the help of our Spirtual Master Sirshree.

Towards a Highly Evolved Society

Peace is our natural state, effortlessly attainable. With veils of ignorance lifted, we discover that we are at peace at our core. Words like ‘God’, ‘Self’, ‘Lord’, ‘Allah’, ‘Tao’ embody this truth.The more we operate from this natural state, our sensitivity and understanding keep rising. At the mesmerizing ‘Peace Hall’ in Manan Ashram, Sirshree imparts this timeless wisdom, embracing all ages in a universal experience of tranquility.

Centre of Humanity

To awaken everybody to the understanding that – “The world is one family”, Tej Gyan Foundation has established a Center of Humanity, which will elevate global awareness and consciousness, fostering unity and igniting a collective journey towards inner awakening and profound wisdom. The Centre of Humanity is an initiative to uphold and facilitate the return to the core living principle of religion into our true nature.

The Path to Self-Stabilization

At the MNN Ashram, transformative retreats are offered in a serene and well-equipped facility, making the journey easier for every seeker. Participants experience a unique wisdom system that guides them from self-help to profound self-realization. The supportive environment and excellent amenities provide a nurturing space for personal growth and inner exploration, enhancing the transformative experience for all participants.

Our Rules

Visiting MNN Ashram - Protocol

  • Feel free to walk around all public areas quietly. Please maintain silence in the premises of MNN Ashram. However, visitors may communicate with the facilitators or volunteers when necessary.
  • Wear modest clothing that covers shoulders, knees, and midriff. Wear ankle-length pants and shirts that cover the upper arms and thighs (for both men and women). Please avoid tight clothing for comfort and to align with the local culture.
  • For your convenience, please bring footwear that can be easily removed before entering the Ashram hall or the dining area.
  • Segregation of men and women needs to be maintained. Couples, married or otherwise, are not permitted to stay together throughout any residential retreat. The same applies to friends, members of the same family, etc.

  • Religious objects, crystalsNo such items are to be brought along. If brought unintentionally, they need to be deposited with the management for the duration of the visit. They will be handed over back to you at the end of the visit.

  • Playing musical instruments/devices is prohibited. Participants are encouraged not to write notes during the retreat as it distracts their focus, so they may not grasp the message conveyed.


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