Congratulations For Joining the Maha Asmani Shivir

The very purpose of the Tejgyan Foundation is to work as the transformative agent to raise global consciousness so that new vistas of a highly evolved society that are waiting to appear begin to manifest on Earth.


Tej Gyan Foundation (TGF)

Tej Gyan Foundation (TGF) was established in 1999 with the mission of creating a highly evolved society through all-round self- development of every individual that transforms all the facets of his/her life. The motto of Tej Gyan Foundation is ‘Happy Thoughts’. This motto was chosen since ‘Happy Thoughts’ are thoughts of self-realization, thoughts that motivate one to get rid of all other thoughts and raise collective consciousness. A Happy Thought is the purest of human desires to be liberated from all desires.

Lives Touched
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Centers in India,
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5+ Centers Globally
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